

  • General Warm Up

    This warm up is to be done prior to all workouts except for in the golf category.

  • Myofascial Stretching - My Top 12

    MFS of: Psoas (anteromedial, posterolateral), Rectus Femoris, Biceps Femoris, Obturator Internus, Piriformis, Glute Max Deep, Adductor Brevis, Intercostals, Pec Major, Subscapularis, Diaphragm, Quadratus Lumborum

  • Hip Mobility #1

    This class focuses on the mobility of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex. Warning, if you have a hip replacement, please adhere to the guidelines of your surgeon.

  • Thoracic Mobility #1

    This is the first of two videos for mobility of the thoracic cage.

  • Thoracic Mobilty #2

  • Myofascial Stretching and ELDOA #1

    Combination of myofascial stretching and ELDOA for general wellness

  • My Favorite Global Postural Stretches (GPS)

    GPS include: Hip in Abduction, Lumbosacral, Lower Lumbar Negative Torsion, Aman Jean Fascia in Positive Torsion, Thoracic Cage in Flexion, Side Bend and Rotation, Falciform Ligament Distal at both the Scapula and Collar Bone and SI Joint Base of Greater Arm and Apex of Lesser Arm.

  • 15 Minute Mobility Program

    MFS - Biceps Femoris, Psoas, Hip Windshield Wipers, Thoracic Cage Rotation, Pec Major, Shoulder ROM, T8-T9 ELDOA and L5-S1 ELDOA

  • Mobility and ELDOA

    Just uploaded to H3TV - A Mobility and ELDOA Program. This program is located in the Mobility section. In this program you will perform -- Pelvic Tilts, Standing Roll and Unroll of the Spine, Spinal Translations, Positive Torsion, Good Morning ELDOA, Hip Windshield Wipers, MFS of the Psoas, Bic...

  • Mobility and ELDOA For Upper Thoracic Spine and Scapula

    Myofascial Stretching of Pec Major and Longissimus, GPS of Scapula Girdle and GPS of Thoracic Cage. ELDOA T12-L1, T8-T9, T6-T7, C7-T1 and L5-S1

  • Hip and Pelvis Mobility

    MFS of the quadratus femoris, piriformis, obturator internus and distal psoas. GPS in external rotation and internal rotation as well as abduction. GDN in external rotation and internal rotation and ELDOA of the hip in external rotation, pubis and L5-S1

  • Hip, Pelvis, T Spine Mobility

  • Full Body Mobility Program

    In this video I use several different modalities to give freedom to the tissues. Everything from proprioception and awareness to myofascial stretching, global postural stretching, ELDOA and normalization exercises.